Protect yourself personally and financially. Obtain cover to reduce personal and financial risk.
The ADCOVER® Policy gives you complete peace of mind that you will not be left responsible for settling the shortfall amount left owing to the finance house in the event that your vehicle is written off or stolen.
ADCOVER® pays the shortfall between the outstanding balance with the finance house and the amount paid by your insurer. The value will be calculated from the day of loss and market value will be used as a guide.
In the event of a successful claim, you will receive up to R6,000 towards your access.
Lifestyle Protection Plan
This plan leaves you and your family free of vehicle debt when a life changing tragedy hits, be it dread disease, disability or death. It also provides for monthly vehicle instalments when living conditions change, for instance if a temporary disability or retrenchment occurred.
Further benefits include booster, hospitalisation and funeral cover.
Contact your nearest Auto Pedigree dealership to discuss your personal and financial risk cover.