Top Car Features Moms Will Love
August 2019

Top Car Features Moms Will Love

Being a mother is one of life’s great gifts but also one of life’s biggest challenges. Wouldn’t it be great if there were cars that were designed specifically with features that made life easier for moms? We chose five top car features that we wished upon for Mothers’ Day, but that would continue to be useful even after the children have grown up.

1. In-Car Vacuum Cleaner

Absolutely one of the most useful,non-essential car feature any mother will pay good money for is an on-board vacuum cleaner - one that will suck up biscuit crumbs, melted chocolate, spilt smoothie, and beach sand efficiently and effectively.

2. Dual-Level Cargo Floor

When it comes to kids one thing we can never have enough of is space. Boot spaces that cleverly incorporate an extra level of storage allows for neater packing for the daily commute, shopping trips, or family road trips. The lower level is ideal for storing things that are kept in the car, such as extra clothes, shopping bags, umbrellas, blankets and other just-in-case items.

3. Conversation Mirrors

For moms, handier than a vanity mirror for the driver seat is a conversation mirror that is convex-shaped and allows you to see a full view of the back seats. Sleeping babies can be checked upon from time to time, mischievous children can be watched and spoken to sternly without having to turn your head and take your eyes off the road.

4. Foot-Activated Tailboard

With a baby in one arm, a pushchair under the other and grocery shopping to load, moms often wish they had two extra limbs. Foot-activated tailboards were invented for those moments. A sensor under the tailboard recognises your foot movement and opens the rear door automatically – as long as the remote car key is in within close enough range.

5. Self-Driving Car

And finally, the ultimate feature for any mom must be the driverless car (a.k.a. an autonomous car), one that navigates between traffic on the road with very little human interaction. Although this reality is still a few years away, it won’t be very long before moms of the future can look forward to enjoying stress-free rides with their children while giving them the attention they need.

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