Mobile office
May 2019

Tips for your mobile office

The age of digital technology has enabled us to connect to just about anyone, anywhere in the world, and from almost anywhere and at anytime. Gone are the times when we had to think about time zones before picking up the phone, or wait for a message to be read by email. Now we have the ability to relay a quick message across continents - confident in the knowledge that for the most part it will be read almost immediately.

Both lifestyle and work has taken advantage of telecommuting, and workers of all types now have the ability to work from coffee shops, their garages, and even their vehicles. Whether you’re a sales person, a contractor, or a designer, we’ve put together a few tips on how to make the daily commute as pleasant and conducive to productivity as possible.

Stay Connected

Staying connected is the most important aspect to an efficient office on wheels. A hands-free smartphone with 4G SIM keeps you in contact as well as enables you to tether your laptop to. If much of your work involves working on a laptop and you have a limited plan on your cellphone contract, a 3G or LTE mobile broadband is handy as a USB to plug into as another option.

Your car office is like a mobile replica of your real office on a smaller scale. You will need to keep your devices charged at all times, so don’t overlook the importance of a simple car charger for your phone or tablet. If you spend a lot of time talking on your phone while on the go, it may be worth investing in a portable power bank as USB car chargers could be too slow for your needs.

Be Organised

Even with everything digitised now,business cards, documents and other paperwork still seems to creep in, and it’s easy for these to be thrown into the cubby hole or onto the back seat and forgotten about.  A car seat organiser with various pockets and slots keeps all of your paper files in one place, and you’ll never get caught hunting for that lost pen again. Car seat organiser scan be slung in the front of the passenger seat as well as the back.

Stay Presentable

Some car manufacturers make specialised clothes hangers that can be mounted on the headrest of the front passenger seat.Without this luxury, the old-fashioned conventional clothes hanger hooked over the back passenger handle works too. Invest in a nice, sturdy, wooden one and throw away the wire hanger from the dry cleaners.

Keep Energised

Performing at your best doesn’t mean working non-stop. Without the necessary breaks your body and mind both need,your productivity levels begin to deteriorate. Strange as it may sound, if you’re on the road in your mobile office for the entire day, it helps to step out for a change of scenery. Have lunch at a restaurant or coffee shop occasionally, but to cut costs and for variation, invest in a sturdy cooler box that gets replenished with fresh water, healthy food, and some favourite edibles.

Road Safety

Of course, staying safe is a top priority in all situations. While technology can be a big help in staying productive while on the road, it is imperative that you do not operate anything else but your vehicle while driving. Cell phone usage - whether texting or talking - is one of the major causes of road accidents today.

Stay Safe

With hijacking rates in South Africa as high as they are, when you buy a car from Auto Pedigree, you have the option to install vehicle security measures such as tracking services, or protective window film,helping you protect you and your valuable assets.

We hope you find these car office hacks useful. For the more sophisticated mobile office worker, there are many gadgets out there such as laptop desks and mobile printers that can help turn your vehicle into a high-powered mobile office. 


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